New / Localized Version Of Youtube For pakistan

World's largest Search Engine Google has agreed to open the localized version of YOUTUBE for pakistan. The step taken by Pakistan's IT Minister Anusha Rehman to develop a team and to talk with google about localized version of Youtube for Pakistanis and she was successful to convence google about the religious matters and those religious threats which were seen on youtube previous year.And she further said that Google is agreed to lauch two domains for pakistan ( and
Google after accepting the request said that we will not be responsible for any videos related to any religious blasphemy if found on youtube again because it can be maintained by pakistanis and you can block the links which are not acceptable to be viewed in your country. Further talking to the media Anusha Rehman said that PTA have hired and developed a complete team for tracking videos, links that are not suitable to be viewed and to block those videos.     

The Biggest site of video sharing was banned in Pakistan when some people have posted some videos which were religious threat as blasphemy of Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him. That site was banned on 17th September 2012.